The Barrington Navigators were in the field today. Lara taught us how to core a tree, and we all had the opportunity to practice. The mosquitoes were pretty vicious today, but the horseflies were not too bad so the sites were tolerable. Steph and I set up vegetation plots at our two sites. From what I can see the homestead site has lots of young trees and stumps. The cemetery appears to have much older trees with very few stumps. We are going to collect the actual vegetation data tomorrow.

I found another really neat tree at the cemetery site and I will post that later. We also found some salamanders. They were so stinkin’ cute! Visiting the cemetery was really fun today because I now know who everyone is and how the people are related. I would like to have all of the documents from The Cemetery Group scanned so their stuff is available online, but I am not sure that I will have time. I will have to wait and see how far I get this week.